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Thursday, 22 September 2011

Plus One!

hmm, ok, so i gained a lb, i am a leetle bit disappointed, i can't deny, but also, still celebrating the fact that over all i have lost 6lb!!! :D

it also gives me a chance to regroup, see where i was going wrong ( mainly it would be the peanut butter on toast i am thinking!!!) and start afresh!

my meeting leader has set me the challenge not to use my weekly points, just my daily- hokay...i can do this!!!

biggest/ oldest/ first born sister is coming over on saturday, can't wait to see her & BIL, we're going to see our friend's band 'Upside' play in Hazlemere, should be a good gig!

after JB's antics of being ill last week, it was Annie's turn this week (& mine & Rosie's too, but more of that later!), i had a call from school on monday to say that she'd had a series of seizures & that they were calling the paramedics out (Apologies if you were following my status updates on FB & this is old news!), anyway, a day in A&E followed, then to make my day, i had a PTA meeting that evening, my vice chair was standing down & i didn't feel that her parting gift should be to chair the meeting, even though in hindsight i really shouldn't have gone, people would have understood, but i was in 'i must' mode & nothing would stop me!!!

fast forward to yesterday, annie was back at school, i managed to get my shopping finished & returned a dress that was ridiculously unflattering, life seemed 'normal' then the migrain i took some ibruprofen....then i had an alergic reaction to the brufen, my eyes swelled up so i couldn't see, anyway, all back to normal now!!

Rosie has a cold now, but aside from that i think we're a picture of wellbeing & health once more!!!

harvest sunday on sunday at Little Missenden Church, JB won't be going as he has committed to going to Rugby & is thoroughly enjoying it! but i shall go with the girls with our hamper of goodies for the elderly of the village, there is an unwritten, unsaid, unintentional competition for the best hamper, it's hillarious, i didn't realise the first year we went, we went with our paltry gift of beans & soup, and oh my days, the sight before us was amazing, it was like a WI show!!!!

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