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Tuesday, 11 October 2011


all last week , this week & next week, Annie is at Footsteps. Footsteps is a Physiotherapy programme privately run, offering intense physiotherapy to children with disabilities, we have been coming here for 5 years (with a year off in 2008 when Annie had her heart surgery). It's an amazing facility & we are so privileged to have access to it, and to live so relatively close by (45 min drive).

it isn't free & costs quite a lot of money per year for Annie to take part, but we are so blessed with friends, family & a fantastic Church that have supported Annie in her quest to walk through various fundraising efforts. my friends Tim & Harvey rode to Rome- from London last year & raised over £3K!!!

part of my mission to lose weight is to raise money for Annie's physiotherapy, me & a few other parents are taking part in the Footsteps Slimathon, if you'd like to sponsor me, you can by clicking on my Justgiving page!

last week i lost 2 1/2 lb- i am 1/2 lb off losing a stone in total- but still a long way off my goal weight!

i managed to run 2 miles last weekend- constantly running! i started running at Easter & struggled to run more than a minute- now i have acheived my 20 min running goal, i need to increase my distance & time....who knows i may even sign up to run the London 10k for Footsteps next July.....

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