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Tuesday, 11 October 2011


all last week , this week & next week, Annie is at Footsteps. Footsteps is a Physiotherapy programme privately run, offering intense physiotherapy to children with disabilities, we have been coming here for 5 years (with a year off in 2008 when Annie had her heart surgery). It's an amazing facility & we are so privileged to have access to it, and to live so relatively close by (45 min drive).

it isn't free & costs quite a lot of money per year for Annie to take part, but we are so blessed with friends, family & a fantastic Church that have supported Annie in her quest to walk through various fundraising efforts. my friends Tim & Harvey rode to Rome- from London last year & raised over £3K!!!

part of my mission to lose weight is to raise money for Annie's physiotherapy, me & a few other parents are taking part in the Footsteps Slimathon, if you'd like to sponsor me, you can by clicking on my Justgiving page!

last week i lost 2 1/2 lb- i am 1/2 lb off losing a stone in total- but still a long way off my goal weight!

i managed to run 2 miles last weekend- constantly running! i started running at Easter & struggled to run more than a minute- now i have acheived my 20 min running goal, i need to increase my distance & time....who knows i may even sign up to run the London 10k for Footsteps next July.....

Sunday, 2 October 2011

sorry for the silence!!!

oops- i seem to have forgotten about my blog- sooooowwwy (as RB would say in a ver insincere but so cute way!!)

this week i lost 5lb- brining me to a total of 11lb loss over all! chuffed to bits- i weighed in on thursday & i'm still on a high now! especially after having my ego polished so much last night,

 i went out for a friend's hen night & the dress code was little black dress- i have one little black dress, but its clingy so it's a magic pants must have dress!! i wore it for a concert last year & someone asummed i was pregnant!- i wasn't- rosie was 7 months old at the time & that one little comment from a stranger really really hurt :( it has really dented my confidence in wearing the dress, but last night i had so many amazing comments on how i look, i was sky high all night!!!!

so i spent the day sunbathing in a rugby field....Ok I was also watching JB play in his first tournament, Amersham & Chiltern were the only team to bring a C team along, and one of few that brought a B team along, thus meant that our little C team were playing A teams! They did so well, it was great experience & although they didn't win any of the games in their pool, they did manage to score a try in each game & 2 of their games went to full time ( in mini rugby, you stop the game when one team goes 6 up!)

JB got over the line, but unfortunately he had lost a tag ( he wasn't tagged, it fell off!) & he was in touch! But from the angle I watched it from, it was a try!!!!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Plus One!

hmm, ok, so i gained a lb, i am a leetle bit disappointed, i can't deny, but also, still celebrating the fact that over all i have lost 6lb!!! :D

it also gives me a chance to regroup, see where i was going wrong ( mainly it would be the peanut butter on toast i am thinking!!!) and start afresh!

my meeting leader has set me the challenge not to use my weekly points, just my daily- hokay...i can do this!!!

biggest/ oldest/ first born sister is coming over on saturday, can't wait to see her & BIL, we're going to see our friend's band 'Upside' play in Hazlemere, should be a good gig!

after JB's antics of being ill last week, it was Annie's turn this week (& mine & Rosie's too, but more of that later!), i had a call from school on monday to say that she'd had a series of seizures & that they were calling the paramedics out (Apologies if you were following my status updates on FB & this is old news!), anyway, a day in A&E followed, then to make my day, i had a PTA meeting that evening, my vice chair was standing down & i didn't feel that her parting gift should be to chair the meeting, even though in hindsight i really shouldn't have gone, people would have understood, but i was in 'i must' mode & nothing would stop me!!!

fast forward to yesterday, annie was back at school, i managed to get my shopping finished & returned a dress that was ridiculously unflattering, life seemed 'normal' then the migrain i took some ibruprofen....then i had an alergic reaction to the brufen, my eyes swelled up so i couldn't see, anyway, all back to normal now!!

Rosie has a cold now, but aside from that i think we're a picture of wellbeing & health once more!!!

harvest sunday on sunday at Little Missenden Church, JB won't be going as he has committed to going to Rugby & is thoroughly enjoying it! but i shall go with the girls with our hamper of goodies for the elderly of the village, there is an unwritten, unsaid, unintentional competition for the best hamper, it's hillarious, i didn't realise the first year we went, we went with our paltry gift of beans & soup, and oh my days, the sight before us was amazing, it was like a WI show!!!!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

I've got my first Shiny!!!!

OK- quick explanation for you, in-case you don't know what I'm banging on about!- at Weight Watchers, each time you lose 7lb, you get a shiny '7' sticker, when you lose a stone in weight you get a stone (yanno- small rock!), then as you reach further goals you can get key rings etc., it's a bit of a gimmick, but oh my days it works!!!

I'm like a big kid, jumping around because i got me a sticker- see sticker charts do work- although if I put weight on, I'm not sure my leader Sarah will give me a sad face!

I had no idea I would lose so much in my first week- chuffed to bits I am!!!

on 1st September I was meant to start reading the bible in one year-I have done it before, but about 16 years ago when I first became a Christian, I want to do it again as part of my 'count down to 40' efforts!
I say 'meant' as I couldn't find the bible which is set out differently to help you read an Old Testament chunk, with a New Testament Chunk (which are related in one way or another) and then with a Psalm or Proverb too. anyway, I found it the other day, so now I am reading two days at a time to catch up with where I should be, it's great to be getting stuck into God's word again- love it!!!!

I'm working all week at an event called 'On Earth As In Heaven' down in Latimer & have heard some really inspirational teaching by Ruth Dearnley who works for Stop The Traffik and feel shamed that I am so naive about the subject of human trafficking, but not now- so if you'll excuse me & my soapbox, I want to be raising lots & lots of awareness about this organisation who are being so proactive in standing against human trafficking, why should all the hard work done by Wilberforce & Newton be undone by some greedy, selfish, violent, evil people?

Saturday, 10 September 2011

keeping track

of what you eat is really quite tricky, esp when your friends who have made amazing home baked goods want you to have a 'taste' of their wares, i 'tasted' my two friends lemon drizzle cakes (they had followed the same recipe, and tasted so different it was amazing!), i 'tasted' my friend's treacle tart ( i tasted it the other night & she had tweaked the recipe, i had to compare & contrast didn't i?) i 'tasted' my friend's homemade sausage roll & i 'tasted' his homemade bourbon biscuit too (oh my days, i showed such restraint, i wanted to shove the whole thing in my mouth, it was DIVINE!!!!)

they really were tastes (inch square peices) but it all mounts up & i have no idea how many points they were!!!

it was the Little Missenden Village Show today, a WI show, i entered 3 photos, my beetroot (i didn't 'place' for any of them though :()& i made raspberry jam- which i came 3rd place in!!!! the wares i tasted up there ^^^ were my friends entries, i am so proud of all of us for taking part!!!

so, any tips as to how to count up those 'tastes' of amazing morsels, i'd be grateful to hear them!!!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

welcome to a new blog & welcome to a new me!!! i want to get my health, weight, fitness to the level it should be at by the time i hit 40, my middle big sister spent lent (which just happened to be the 40 days run up to her 40th birthday, getting 'fit for 40', i laughed and thought 'it would take me 4 years!!' so this is it, me getting fit for 40...

so I joined Weight Watchers today, i think i may be the heaviest i have ever been right now, but i am doing something about it!

i went for a run afterwards too, i think that means i get more points...and points mean food!!!! i only ran 1.5 miles, it's what i do, it's a doable distance, it gets my heart racing for 20 min 3x a week.

I have had no children to care for today, Thursdays are Rosie's day with Grandma & Grandsha (MIL & FIL), they love spending time with her, she loves spending time with them, and i get to spend time with me- everyone's a winner!!

no bible time today, but spent a long time praying for a friend :(